Oooooh Fancy!

My name is Alyssa and I am a Fancy Dress-o-holic

Seriously, If there is ever an occasion where there is an opportunity to dress up in a stupid outfit and make an arse of myself – I’m ALL over it.

I should also point out that I am complete and utter fancy dress geek. As soon as I know the theme of the party the research begins to find out who I could be and what is going to suit my chubbilicious frame. I am quite creative so enjoy making aspects of my costume too if necessary.

 I just wanted to share with you some of the costumes that I have worn over the years (Well at least since Facebook has been around to capture every single social event) and give you a bit of an explanation around them.

 Let’s start with the professional stuff!! I was fortunate enough to have been involved in a movie called ‘Gangsters, Guns and Zombies’ as a zombie extra. It was such a fabulous experience that I did it a few times and took along various friends with me to different shoots. The makeup was done by a very talented girl called Alexandra Vlcek  and I loved the results … don’t I look scary!?!

You can view the trailer to the film here but I recommend caution if you’re not a fan of gore!

 The next look was for a weekend wedding that I attended with a friend. We all arrived on the Friday night and they had a joint stag/hen party of which the theme was ‘TV Characters’ at the time I was TOTALLY obsessed with Gavin and Stacey and Nessa is one of my favourite characters – so I decided to go as her! Sadly I only have one picture ….

I was wearing a cushion as a pregnancy bump, fish net tights and knee-high boots to complete the look. Needless to say my date for the wedding came as Smithy, all be it a bald version as he refused to wear a wig!!

You can see what Nessa actually looks like here – I don’t think I did TOO bad!

Halloween is always an excellent excuse to do a bit of fancy dress – My take on Medusa is my favourite Halloween look to date.

I made the head-dress myself and the makeup look was achieved with facepaints, glitter and a pair of fish net tights!!

My friend had an 80’s theme for his 30th birthday party, it took me a fair while to find a character that I wanted to be but I settled on Mavis Cruet from Willo the Wisp, mostly because it meant that I got to wear a tutu …

This was my attempt (I’m slightly more neon than Mavis was)

… and you can go here to see what Mavis looks like in the cartoon.

The final look that I am going to show you was another 80s themed party, this time I decide that I wanted to do something along the ‘Disney’ lines. I settled on Ursula the Sea Witch from ‘The Little Mermaid’ – Here is my attempt!

I can’t find a picture of my tentacles at this time but I assure you that I spent a lot of time and care making them, only to get very drunk and leave them at the hall because I kept falling over them!

You can see the original Ursula here

I have a whole costume planned for my next Fancy Dress venture but I need someone to have a theme that it comes under! I REALLY want to go as …

So if someone could arrange a party for me to go to as Mike, that’d be very much appreciated!!

Love and Kisses

Lyss xx

About Missy Lyssy Loo

Hi, I'm Alyssa a feisty fat chick with a passion for fashion and all things excess ... I Love ... Fancy Dress Sparkly Goodness Clothes Make up Boys Mr Wooster and Wasting money on stuff I don't need. I Hate ... Clowns Flying Vegans Diets and People who insist on only 'Paying for what they had' I am also the creative genius behind Twisted Siren Jewellery Design company, which can be found at but we'll speak more about that bad boy later ...

6 responses to “Oooooh Fancy!

  1. Mickey

    Its NecessaryEvils from IG! Glad I took a look here. Instant fan 🙂

  2. Oh, what fun looks! Love them. 🙂

  3. Sarah

    love your make up for medusa!!! did you just hold some of the fishnets to your eye and kind of paint over it? I have a Halloween themed wedding to go to this weekend and Medusa is my costume! I hope I can achieve make up thats half as good as yours!!!

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