Living the Dream

Makeup is my passion. I never leave my house without it, spend spare time practicing it and even spent some of 2013 trying to make a career from it.

I have come to the realisation that normal make up isn’t what makes me happy, my true passion lies in special fx makeup and body painting.

I was fortunate enough to spend some time studying face/body painting and special fx makeup during 2012/2013 so have mastered some techniques and styles but am hungry to learn more and expand my repertoire.

I am very lucky that some of the members of the plus size blogging community believe in my art and have volunteered to model for me so I can bring some of my ideas to life! I’m currently in talks with a very talented photographer to make this a reality … So exciting times to come in 2014!

Finally, I am hoping to start a YouTube channel when I get my lighting set up right of makeup tutorials for more ‘outrageous’ and fantasy styles so please stay tuned for more info on that!

In the meantime, I’d like to show you some of the designs I’ve done so far (the ones I’m allowed to post as are not on clients) to give you an idea of what I’m hoping to develop on.

Much love
Lyss xxx







About Missy Lyssy Loo

Hi, I'm Alyssa a feisty fat chick with a passion for fashion and all things excess ... I Love ... Fancy Dress Sparkly Goodness Clothes Make up Boys Mr Wooster and Wasting money on stuff I don't need. I Hate ... Clowns Flying Vegans Diets and People who insist on only 'Paying for what they had' I am also the creative genius behind Twisted Siren Jewellery Design company, which can be found at but we'll speak more about that bad boy later ...

2 responses to “Living the Dream

  1. satinstarbeauty

    This is great!!!!!!! Wow!!! I like the crying colors. Awesome!

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